The Lord has led the Project to open her doors to unique initiatives to build the civilization of love & truth today.
These are never events run solely by staff. We heavily rely on the JP2 Project family- supporters, partners, and especially our alumni — to implement these plans.
World Youth Day
John Paul II is the founder of World Youth Day (WYD). He is now honored as a central “patron saint” for each new WYD worldwide. In 2023, we hosted an official “youth festival site” of WYD in Lisbon, Portugal, to pass on the legacy of our patron to the next generations.
Service Camps
Children learn English while discovering God’s love, growing in virtue, forming friendships, and living the joy of childhood in a day camp for eight days. Our young adults learn the joy (and challenge) of giving of themselves and forming young ones as they intensely train for, organize, and run these camps.
USA Relic Tour
Why did we bring JP2’s relic to the USA? On October 16, 1978, the world met history’s first Polish Pope, who proclaimed that infamous exaltation, “Open wide the doors to Christ!” This historical event changed the course of history, not only for the Church but for the whole world.
Our doors are open wide
We move with the Holy Spirit and the rhythm of the Church to share our mission with the world